Reusable Hemp Linen Fabric Napkins | Stripes Rust
Design image of Stripes Sage napkin on a white marble surface. In the top left is a glass of orange juice. In the middle of the image is a white plate with a blueberry scone on it. The Stripes Sage napkin splayed underneath the plate.
Focus image on the Splatter Denim set of napkins. Splatter Rust napkins are shown slightly in behind the Splatter Denim napkins, and in the top left corner. The focus of the image is the Splatter Denim napkins, tied with a Ten and Co printed description label on the front.
 Flat lay of Stripe Rust Napkin folded in half on a white background. Napkin is white with a pattern of rust stripes running vertically on the white hemp-linen blended material.

Ten and Co.

Reusable Hemp Linen Fabric Napkins | Stripes Rust

Sale price$46.00

The Ten and Co. everyday reusable hemp and linen napkins in our original Stripes Rust print!

Available in three complimentary colours and patterns, our reusable napkins are designed for the wear and tear of everyday use. Perfect for any occasion, littles, adults and everyone in between.